Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

disini anda bisa merasakan indahnya suasana alam yang sangat menyenangkan(here you can feel the beauty of nature a very pleasant atmosphere).. dan anda pasti merasa akan terasa bagai di sorga di saat anda menghirup indahnya dunia yang memberikan kesejukan pada hati anda...(and you definitely feel it will feel like in heaven when you breathe in the beautiful world that provides coolness in your heart ...) and you can traveling here with mother beauty of padang.. please contect me here/..........

my memories

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

ini adalah funtasi dari west sumatera.. yang siap melayani anda dengan ke indahan nya...

Create a diary for some people is exciting. A diary that tells about the events that happen every day, could become a refreshing and healthful reading our souls in one day in the future.

A diary can give an evaluation of what we already do, and provide clues for us about what we should continue to do, and things that we do not need. A diary does not have to be perfect, after all who read only your own. In any form of a personal diary for an original will still be interesting to read. In fact, I'm sure at some day in the future, your grandchildren or great-grandchildren will scramble to read it.

If you are one who likes to make a diary entry, why not try to make it in English? Perhaps at this early stage is difficult, you can use a sentence tapai mix between English and Indonesian. Then gradually begin to increase the percentage of English in your diary. If you have advanced and able to prepare written with the correct vocabulary and grammar, maybe you can sharingkan some that are not too personal to the bulletin board, community magazine, or saringkan in the form of blogs on the internet.

If you do not have a diary, try to start now. Who knows one day you become famous and your biography is required ..... :)

Happy learning!

Question bank info
Posted by Wen Saputra at 02:11 10 comments
Labels: writing

belajar bahasa
Membuat sebuah catatan harian bagi sebagian orang adalah hal yang mengasyikkan. Sebuah catatan harian yang menceritakan tentang peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi setiap harinya, bisa menjadi bacaan yang menyegarkan dan menyehatkan jiwa kita di suatu hari di masa depan.

Sebuah catatan harian mampu memberikan sebuah evaluasi atas apa yang sudah kita kerjakan, dan memberikan petunjuk bagi kita tentang hal apa yang seharusnya terus kita lakukan, dan hal-hal yang tidak perlu kita lakukan. Sebuah catatan harian tidak harus sempurna, toh yang baca hanya Anda sendiri. Dalam bentuk apapun sebuah catatan harian pribadi yang orisinil akan tetap menarik untuk dibaca. Bahkan saya yakin di suatu hari di masa depan nanti, cucu atau cicit Anda akan berebut untuk membacanya.

Jika Anda seorang yang suka membuat catatan harian, mengapa tidak mencoba membuatnya dalam Bahasa Inggris ? Mungkin pada tahap awal memang sulit, tapai Anda bisa menggunakan kalimat campuran antara Bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Kemudian setahap demi setahap mulai menambah prosentase Bahasa Inggris dalam catatan harian Anda. Jika Anda sudah mahir dan mampu menyusun tulisan dengan vocabulary dan grammar yang tepat, mungkin Anda bisa sharingkan sebagian yang tidak terlalu pribadi ke majalah dinding, majalah komunitas, atau saringkan dalam bentuk blog di internet.

Jika Anda belum memiliki catatan harian, cobalah untuk memulainya sekarang. Siapa tahu suatu hari nanti Anda menjadi orang terkenal dan biografi Anda dibutuhkan..... :)

Selamat belajar!

Info bank soal
Diposkan oleh Wen Saputra di 02.11 10 komentar
Label: writing
Membuat sebuah catatan harian bagi sebagian orang adalah hal yang mengasyikkan. Sebuah catatan harian yang menceritakan tentang peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi setiap harinya, bisa menjadi bacaan yang menyegarkan dan menyehatkan jiwa kita di suatu hari di masa depan.

Sebuah catatan harian mampu memberikan sebuah evaluasi atas apa yang sudah kita kerjakan, dan memberikan petunjuk bagi kita tentang hal apa yang seharusnya terus kita lakukan, dan hal-hal yang tidak perlu kita lakukan. Sebuah catatan harian tidak harus sempurna, toh yang baca hanya Anda sendiri. Dalam bentuk apapun sebuah catatan harian pribadi yang orisinil akan tetap menarik untuk dibaca. Bahkan saya yakin di suatu hari di masa depan nanti, cucu atau cicit Anda akan berebut untuk membacanya.

Jika Anda seorang yang suka membuat catatan harian, mengapa tidak mencoba membuatnya dalam Bahasa Inggris ? Mungkin pada tahap awal memang sulit, tapai Anda bisa menggunakan kalimat campuran antara Bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Kemudian setahap demi setahap mulai menambah prosentase Bahasa Inggris dalam catatan harian Anda. Jika Anda sudah mahir dan mampu menyusun tulisan dengan vocabulary dan grammar yang tepat, mungkin Anda bisa sharingkan sebagian yang tidak terlalu pribadi ke majalah dinding, majalah komunitas, atau saringkan dalam bentuk blog di internet.

Jika Anda belum memiliki catatan harian, cobalah untuk memulainya sekarang. Siapa tahu suatu hari nanti Anda menjadi orang terkenal dan biografi Anda dibutuhkan..... :)

Selamat belajar!

Info bank soal
Diposkan oleh Wen Saputra di 02.11 10 komentar
Label: writing

belajar bahasa inggris dengan mudah

ini contoh-contoh dalam mempelajari bahasainggris
yang artinya sama memajukan

1. verbal
1. promote
2. advance
3. further
4. move forward
5. propose
6. bring forward
7. introduce
8. offer
9. set on
10. inject
11. carry on
12. tender
renungan suci (sacred muse)
jangan bercanda dengan keadaan(Do not joke with the circumstances of this emergency)

Learning English is actually the most practical way to go and live in regions / countries that speak English. My friend who at school English was zero Putul now dah cas cis cus and already speak English as their mother tongue properly since moving to America. Learning from native speakers to hear and practice is more effective than to start by learning grammar. But I am not saying that you do not have to learn grammar. Because not all people have the opportunity to move abroad. The point is willing to practice, and should be started with more listening. When our ears are already familiar with English, usually tongue also follow.

One of the tips of the easiest and cheapest is to learn to practice with English-speaking tourists. Tourists now do not just go to Bali, many other areas that also became jujugan tourists. Now this is an opportunity for direct practice.

You can start with the acquaintance, probably the first topic about the origin, how long to stay in Indonesia, where he lives, and offer to help your capacity. Usually the tourists who are not arrogant like to chat. Do as much as possible conversation, one also does not matter, but the important while talking to hear the sentence with full concentration. This listening experience will make you continue to remember the words he was saying. Another advantage when you become a good listener, your tourist friends that will treat you as a friend to a fun chat. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand, saying that your English is not too good, he would understand and gladly teach you. You remember Tarzan? See Jane was so happy to communicate with him even though haltingly. The important thing here is sincerity.

Another important thing is do not assume that English-speaking tourists is a modern nan god and you are far behind him. This will lead to gaps that are not fun. Everyone is basically the same, it's just a different language and English happens to already be a language.....!

ini terjemah dalam bahasa indonesianya..........
Belajar Bahasa Inggris yang paling praktis sebenarnya adalah dengan mendatangi dan tinggal di daerah / negara yang berbahasa Inggris. Teman saya yang sewaktu sekolah bahasa Inggrisnya nol putul sekarang dah cas cis cus dan sudah ngomong Inggris seperti selayaknya bahasa ibunya sejak pindah ke Amerika. Belajar dari native speaker dengan mendengar dan praktek langsung ternyata lebih efektif daripada memulainya dengan belajar grammar. Tetapi saya tidak mengatakan bahwa Anda tidak harus belajar grammar. Karena kan tidak semua orang punya kesempatan pindah ke luar negeri. Intinya adalah mau praktek, dan sebaiknya dimulai dengan lebih banyak mendengar. Ketika telinga kita sudah tidak asing dengan Bahasa Inggris, biasanya lidah juga mengikuti.

Salah satu tips yang paling mudah dan murah adalah belajar praktek dengan turis yang berbahasa Inggris. Turis sekarang kan tidak hanya mengunjungi Bali, banyak daerah lain yang juga menjadi jujugan turis. Nah ini kesempatan untuk praktek langsung.

Anda bisa mengawali dengan berkenalan, mungkin topik pertama tentang asalnya, berapa lama tinggal di Indonesia, tinggalnya di mana, dan tawarkan bantuan sesuai kemampuan Anda. Biasanya turis yang tidak sombong senang diajak ngobrol. Lakukan percakapan sebisanya, salah juga tidak apa-apa, tetapi yang penting selama berbicara dengarkan kalimatnya dengan penuh konsentrasi. Pengalaman mendengarkan ini akan membuat Anda terus mengingat kata-kata yang diucapkannya. Keuntungan lainnya ketika Anda menjadi pendengar yang baik, teman turis Anda itu juga akan menganggap Anda sebagai teman ngobrol yang asyik. Jangan ragu untuk bertanya jika tidak mengerti sambil mengatakan bahwa bahasa Inggris anda tidak terlalu jago, dia pasti maklum dan dengan senang hati mengajari Anda. Anda ingat Tarzan ? Lihat Jane begitu senang berkomunikasi dengannya walaupun terbata-bata. Yang penting di sini adalah ketulusan.

Hal penting lainnya adalah jangan menganggap bahwa turis berbahasa Inggris adalah seorang dewa nan modern dan Anda jauh tertinggal dengannya. Ini akan menimbulkan gap yang tidak asyik. Semua orang pada dasarnya sama, cuma bahasanya saja yang beda dan kebetulan Bahasa Inggris dah terlanjur jadi bahasa

ini bisa membantu anda dalam mengerjakan ujian akhir nasional

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Bahasa ingris SMP soal ujian nasional 2005-2009, Latihan soal dan pembahasan
1 Kumpulan Soal Ujian Nasional, Latihan Soal, Semester dan Masuk Perguruan Tinggi
http://soal-unas.blogspot.com | http://kumpulansoal.org
UAN 2004-2009
Untuk SMP / MTS
Copyright © soal-unas.blogspot.com
Artikel ini boleh dicopy , dikutip, di cetak dalam media kertas atau yang lain, dengan
tetap mencantumkan copyright dan link yang tertera pada setiap document tanpa
ada tujuan komersial.
Di persembahkan oleh:
Kumpulan soal Ujian Nasional, Ujian Akhir Nasional
Kumpulan soal masuk perguruan tinggi, SNMPTN, SPMB, Ujian Masuk ITB, Undip,
update terbaru informasi seputar ujian nasional
soal latihan dan prediksi berikut diambil dari berbagai sumber soal ujian nasional mulai tahun
2004 sampai dengan 2009,lalu team kami mengerjakan pembahasanya dengan cermat dan
seakurat mungkin. Silahkan konsultasikan dengan guru anda apabila menemukan jawaban
atau pembahasan yang kurang tepat pada latihan soal ujian nasional berikut
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UN 2008/2009
Read the following text to answer question number 1

Where do you usually find the sign above?
A. At railway station.
B. At a bus station.
C. At a station wagon.
D. At a petrol station.

Read the text and answer question 2
2. Why does Joshua send the card? Because …
A. he wants to tell Ruth about his exam.
B. he wants to congratulate Ruth.
C. his exam is difficult to do.
D. he wants to be successful.

Read the text and answer questions 3 and 4
3. From the message above we know that …

A. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project.
B. Dinda’s grandma involves in the project.
C. Dinda and her grandma will meet Mira at the hospital.
D. Dinda expects Mira to stay in the hospital with her.

4. What is Dinda’s purpose to write such kind of message?
A. To tell about her sick grandma.
B. To give information about the delay of an activity.
C. To ask Mira to work on their project.
D. To persuade Mira to change the project.

Read the text and answer questions 5 and 6
5. Paul is … husband.
A. Opal’s
B. Eliza’s
C. Elsa’s
D. Natalia’s

6. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To promote an everlasting relationship.
B. To invite someone to join the party.
C. To announce a wedding ceremony.
D. To describe a certain party.

To: Ruth
I’d like to congratulate
you on passing your exam
I do hope you are always successful.
Dear Mira,
I am sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to
your house to work on our project as we have
planned before. Unexpected thing happens. My
grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you
about our plan later.
Please join us
as we celebrate our
40th Anniversary
Paul and Opal Wright
Friday, May 7th
6.30 p.m. – 10.00 p.m.
Our New Home
Komplek TSI Durikosambi Cengkareng
(Dinner will be served)
RSPV 54390186

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Read the announcement and answer questions 7 to 9
7. Which of the following statements is Not Correct
according to the announcement above?
A. Classes are held twice a week.
B. Each session will last for two hours.
C. Only kindergarten students can attend the class.
D. There are six programmers for the holiday classes.

8. How many programs does the learning centre
A. One.
B. Three.
C. Six.
D. Nine.

9. “Friendly atmosphere”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Easy.
B. Helpful.
C. Pleasant.
D. Dull.
Read the text to answer questions 10 to 12
Most people in the world have a pet. I also have it. My
pet is dog, named Miko. Its color is brown. It has
brown eyes, too. I got this pet from my friend at the
beginning of 2009. He bought it from a pet shop in his
country. Once a week, my mother bathes him. He is
funny and smart. It often plays with my neighbor’s
dog. I love him very much because he can be my
friend, too.
10. Miko’s eyes are …
A. black
B. white
C. brown
D. dark brown

11. The writer got the pet from …
A. his neighbor
B. a pet shop
C. his friend
D. his mother

12. What is the text about?
A. My lovely dog.
B. My best friend.
C. My pet shop.
D. My neighbor’s pet.
Read the following text and answer
questions 13 to 15
Hexa and I camped in the mountain last weekend. It
was very beautiful and very quiet here. The air was
fresh. The location of our camp site was on the top of
hill, so we could see the scenery around us. It was
amazing. It was green everywhere. It was also easy to
get water as it was near a small river. You see the
water is as clear as crystal. We brought a lot of food
from home. There were some noodles, cans of
sardines, soft drink, and biscuits. Hexa brought
cooking utensils for cooking noodle.
0n the first day, we spent our time setting up tent
and exploring the surrounding area. I was happy to
find that there were many campers there. At night,
after we had dinner, we met other campers. We
chatted and played guitar. It was fun meeting people
who had the same hobby. It was not frightening at all
at night in the forest as it was very noisy that night.
We laughed and sang, and some campers even
danced. We went to bed almost dawn. No wonder
we got up late the following day. We hiked with other
campers until afternoon. We did not realize that it
was almost 5 in the afternoon and we had to go back
home soon. It was really nice. I planned to go there
again on the next long holiday. I would ask other
friends to join.
Holiday classis at learning centre for Nursery,
Kindergarten and Primary School children
Supervised reading programme
Creative writing
Poetry appreciation
Art in action
Speech training
Grooming and etiquette
- Qualified teachers
- Friendly atmosphere
- Two-hour class twice a week
Call 03-23860505
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13. What was amazing according to the writer of the
A. The location of the campsite.
B. The fresh air of the mountain.
C. The scenery around the campsite.
D. The small river in the mountain.

14. What did the writer do on the second day of their
camping activity?
A. They chatted and played guitar.
B. They had a greet and meet activity.
C. They hiked with the other champers.
D. They laughed and sang songs together.

15. “… we spent our time setting up the tent and
exploring the surrounding area.” (paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Traveling through to learn about it.
B. Going backward and forward to watch something.
C. Observing carefully to examine something.
D. Looking for something in surrounding area.
UAN 2002/2003

15. A : Can you take my umbrella, please?
B : There are four umbrellas here. … is yours?
A : The black one, please.
a. What
b. Which
c. What sort
d. Where
Read the following text and answer
questions 16 to 20
Your body needs energy, protein, minerals,
vitamins, and fibre. In order to get all of these, it is
important to have a varied and balanced diet, and to
eat the right amount of food. Your body “burns” food
to energy : the amount of energy provided by food is
measured in units called calories.
How many calories do you need? This depends
on your weight and on what you do. When you are
asleep, your body uses nearly one calorie an hour for
every kilogram of weight. So a person who weights
seventy kilos uses about 560 calories
while sleeping for eight hours. More calories are
needed for different activities from 100 calories an
hour for reading or watching TV, to 350 calories an
hour for playing football.
To calculate the number of calories needed
per day for an everage person, first find out the
person’s ideal weight. Then multiply the weight by 40
for a woman
or 46 for a man. A 60 – kilo woman may need about
2400 calories a day – more if she does heavy physical
work and less if she is very inactive.
16. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the
a. To read something for an hour, a person needs 100
b. A person needs 350 calories per hour to play
c. Inactive persons do not need calories at all.
d. Food is burnt by the body to get energy.

17. How many calories do we need? It depends on ....
a. how old we are
b. how heavy we are
c. our weight and what we do
d. our age and our weight

18. The text mainly tells us about ....
a. energy
b. calories
c. protein
d. minerals
19. A sportman will need ... a businessman.
a. as many calories as
b. not so many calories as
c. more calories than
d. less calories than

20. “ more if she does heavy physical work and less if
she is very inactive.”
The underlined word means ....
a. very active
b. quite active
c. rather active
d. not active

Bahasa ingris SMP soal ujian nasional 2005-2009, Latihan soal dan pembahasan
5 Kumpulan Soal Ujian Nasional, Latihan Soal, Semester dan Masuk Perguruan Tinggi
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21. Officer : Could I have your name, please?
Ali Topan : It’s Topan. Ali Topan.
Officer : And ... are you, Mr. Topan?
Ali Topan : I’m 25 years.
a. how old
b. how tall
c. how big
d. how heavy

22. Ida : May I go to the concert tonight, Father?
Father : … You have to study for your final
Ida : But I really want to.
Father : You can go next time.
a. Of course, you may.
b. Why not.
c. Yes, please.
d. It’s not a good idea.

23. Where would this announcement be put up?
a. In all schools
b. In all parks
c. At the shopping complex
d. At the Glory Supermarket

24. “No age limit”
What does it mean?
a. Aged man is not allowed.
b. Those who are under age are forbidden.
c. Age will not be considered.
d. Only those who are over sixteen years of age can
take part.

25. The announcement is about ….
a. a talent show
b. family members
c. entering a contest
d. residents of Green Park
bacaan berikut untuk soal nomer 26-28
Hi my name is Dian Wahyu Dinata. I’m the winner of an
Engllish Poetry Reading Competition in Sempu. I live in
Maron. I was very happy to meet Sue and Ayu 9 early
February 2008 and I’m very comfortable speaking English
with you. I have one question for Kang Guru when can I
be invite KG to our school in SMP 1 Genteng.
Dian Wahyu Dinata
Sempu, Banyuwangi
East Java
26. Who is the winner of an English Poetry Reading
Competion in Sempu?
A. Sua and Ayu.
B. Dian Wahyu Dinata
C. Dian’s friends
D. Dian’s teacher

27. When did Dian Wahyu Dinata meet Sue and Ayu ?
A. Before an English Poetry Reading Competition.
B. When Dian invited Kang Guru.
C. Early February 2008.
D. When Sue and Ayu came early February 2008.

28. Which statement is TRUE based on the letter
A. Sue and Ayu have one question for Kang Guru.
B. Sue and Ayu live in Maron.
Do it with 2, 3 or 4 others (Relatives can join)
No age limit.
Pick up a form from this Glory Supermarket counter.
. Complete the form.
. Drop the completed form in the box labelled “TALENT
SEARCH” at Glory Supermarket.
. Box will be removed a fort night after the date given
Bahasa ingris SMP soal ujian nasional 2005-2009, Latihan soal dan pembahasan
6 Kumpulan Soal Ujian Nasional, Latihan Soal, Semester dan Masuk Perguruan Tinggi
http://soal-unas.blogspot.com | http://kumpulansoal.org
C. Dian Wahyu Dinata is not the winner of an
English Poetry Reading Competition.
D. The writer of the letter is Dian Wahyu Dinata.
Café & Resto
New Romantic Garden Restaurant. The restaurant is
located just outside the crowded centre, surrounded
by Sawahs, right behind Hyatt Hotel. We offer
traditional Indonesian food for reasonable prices in a
romantic garden environment. Look for our complete
menu at www.rumahmertua.com. For reservation
please call phone/fax: 0274-866680.
Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant provides authentic
Thailand cuisine. Open daily for lunch and dine.
Delivery service 0274-561486 or just visit us at Jl.
Gejayan CT X/22 Jogja. Steamboat Restaurant. The
only Seafood Steamboat resto in Jogja. We also serve
Chinese food. Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul. Ph.
0274-7484947 or 0806682407.
29. According to the text, where can we find
inexpensive traditional food?
A. New Romantic Garden Restaurant.
B. Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant.
C. Steamboat Restaurant.
D. Hyatt Hotel.

30. Which of the following statements is incorrect
based on the advertisement?
A. New Romantic Garden Restaurant provides a
romantic atmosphere.
B. New Romantic Garden Restaurant is in the
centre of town.
C. Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant can deliver
customers order.
D. We can eat Chinese food in Steamboat

31. “Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant provides
authentic Thailand cuisine.”
The word “cuisine” has the same meaning as …
A. beverage
B. drink
C. food
D. snack

32. Nita : “Have you met my new
classmate, Idham?”
Aminah : “Yes, I have. He ………. Speak
Japanese well.”
Nita : “Really?”
Aminah : “Yes, He and his family have
been in Okinawa for about 3 years.”
a. Able
b. Ability
c. Can
d. Could

33. Beautiful – orchid – is – most – the – flower –
1 2 3 4 5 6
one – earth – on – of.
7 8 9 10
The correct arrangement is ……..
a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 9 – 8
b. 7 – 10 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 9 – 8 – 3 – 2 – 1
c. 1 – 2 – 9 – 8 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 10
d. 2 – 3 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 9 – 8

34. Reporter : “Excuse me !”
“What is your opinion about flood
in many parts of our country
Expert : “………… we have to stop illegal
cutting of trees in the forest, and
punish whoever break the law.”
a. Sure
b. In my point of view
c. Are you kidding
d. I can agree for more

35. Choose the right order of the following
1. It takes place within three or more days.
2. The more important the person who dies, the
more bufalloes they kill.
3. It is carried out in honour, of the dead person.
4. One of the Torajan traditions is the funeral.
5. It is done by slaughtering a water buffalo.
A. 2,5,4,3,1
B. 2,3,5,4,1
C. 4,3,1,5,2
D. 4,3,5,2,1
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No Litter

36. Tourist : “…………from here, please?”
Receptionist : “It’s quite simple. You can go by
taxi. Take it in front of the post
a. Can I get to the museum ?
b. How can I go to the museum ?
c. Bring me tow the museum !
d. Would you go to the museum ?

The notice means ……
a. throw your rubbish here
b. Bring your own rubbish
c. Don’t throw rubbish here.
d. Don’t pick up the rubbish
Last night my mother and I spent time together
in the kitchen. She taught me how to cook spaghetti.
She prepared a box of spaghetti, water and a jar of
spaghetti sauce. First she boiled some water in a
pot. Then she put the spaghetti into the boiling
water. After fifteen minutes she turned of the stove
and threw away the water. Finally she put the
spaghetti on a plate and added spaghetti sauce on it.
It plate of delicious spaghetti was ready to serve
38. What does the topic of the text for !
a. to inform how to serve spaghetti.
b. To explain how to make spaghetti.
c. To tell how to cook spaghetti
d. to discuss how to make spaghetti sauce

39. What does the word “it” in the last step refer
a. Spaghetti c. The stove
b. The plate d. Water

40 . Mrs. Rita : “I don’t see your
prescription here, heny?”
Heny : “I …………it, Mom.”
Mrs. Rita : “That’s good.”
a. am going to take c. are taking
b. have taken d. d. take
A : “Does ……….home? Hello?”
B : “Oh, sorry. I didn’t hear your coming.
Please come in.”
a. Some body c. Some one
b. Any body d. Every body

it,s awing exam

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari : ................................
Tanggal : ........../........../2008
Mulai : ..........
Selesai : ..............
Lamanya : 120 menit
Jumlah soal : 50 butir
1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal!
2. Tulislah nomor pesertamu pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!
3. Kerjakanlah soal – soal sesuai dengan petunjuk pengerjaannya!
4. Gunakan pensil 2 B untuk mengerjakan ujian ini!
5. Hitamkan huruf a, b, c, atau d pada Lembar Jawaban Komputer ( LJK ) yang
6. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal yang kamu anggap mudah, baru kemudian
mengerjakan soal yang lain.
7. Hapuslah sebersih mungkin jika kamu hendak memperbaiki jawaban!
Jawaban Salah Jawaban yang diperbaiki
a b c d a b c d
8. Periksalah kembali hasil pekerjaanmu sebelum kamu serahkan kepada pengawas!
9. Akhiri ujianmu dengan berdo’a, meninggalkan soal dan lembar jawaban di meja
ujianmu, serta meninggalkan ruangan dengan tertib!
1. (1) Some of the places where they live are Africa, India, South America,
and Australia
(2) They hunt mammals and birds which come to the river to drink
(3) Crocodiles are the largest and the most dangerous reptile
(4) They can also attack and kill people
(5) They have large mouths and mamny sharp teeth
(6) They live in rivers
The best arrangement to make a good paragraph is.....................
A. (3)-(6)-(1)-(5)-(2)-(4)
B. (6)-(1)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(2)
C. (3)-(6)-(4)-(2)-(1)-(5)
D. (1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)
This text is for questions 2 and 3
Student Organization
SMP Negeri 107 Jl. Pemuda No. 8
Palembang 30138, Telp. (0711) 41234
Dear Evi,
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held :
On Saturday, January 17, 2008
At 11:00 a.m.
In the school hall
Agenda : Final preparation for wall magazines competition 2007
Please come on time
See you there!
Naya Candra
Secretary Chairperson
2. Where will the meeting be held?
A. At Evi’s house
B. At Candra’s room
C. At Naya’s office
D. At School
3. Which statements is CORRECT according to the text?
A. Evi is not a student of SMP Negeri 107 Palembang
B. Naya and Candra ask Evi to write articles for school magazine
C. The students organization of SMP Negeri 107 will have a meeting
D. Evi is the treasurer of the student’s organization
4. Dodo : Execuse me. Sir. I can’t read the sentences on the board
Rudi : It’s all right. Dodo, switch on the light, please
Dodo : All right, Sir
Rudi : Thank you, Dodo
Dodo : You’re welcome
Where does the dialogue take place?
A. In the bedroom
B. In the office
C. In the classroom
D. In the canteen
5. Yesterday I didn’t go to the meeting. I........my mother cook in the kitchen. She
was very busy preparing for my sister’s seventeenth birthday party.
A. help
B. am helping
C. will help
D. helped
6. Candra : It’s very hot day, isn’t it? What about dropping in at the cafe on
the corner?
Iqbal : ....................I feel very thirsty, too
A. It’s not necessary
B. It’s a bad idea
C. It sounds good
D. It look easy
7. Look at the traffic sign! It means...............
A. the road is winding
B. the road is slippery
C. the car may not enter this street
D. there are a lot of winding turns
This letter is for questions 8 to 10
Jl. Rangkah Besar 4
February, 23, 2008
Dear Pini,
I’m sorry I haven’t informed you about holiday yet. Actually Satrio and I
want to go to your town as soon as posible. But, my father doesn’t let us goto
your house alone. We have to wait for our father’s holiday.
We will leave on next Saturday evening by train. We will arrive at yourtown
on Sunday at about two p.m. I hope you can pick us up at the railway station.
That’s all my information. I hope we will spend our holidays happily. Give
my best regards to uncle, aunt, Troy, Hilman, and Rahmad.
8. How would Rani’s family go to Pini’s house?
A. By car
B. By bus
C. By train
D. By plane
9. When would they arrive at Pini’s house?
A. On Saturday afternoon
B. On Saturday evening
C. On Sunday afternoon
D. On Sunday evening
10. Who is Rani’s brother?
A. Satrio
B. Troy
C. Hilman
D. Rahmad
We will find such kind of instruction in the following places, EXCEPT.............
A. at home
B. at school
C. in the office
D. along the street
This text is for questions 12 to 14
Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot
survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which
can exceed 30 m in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth.
Superficially, the whale looks like a fish, but there are important differences in its
external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles (the
tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head.
The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is
up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to converse heat and body fluids.
12. What is the text about?
A. Kinds of fish
B. The whales
C. Sea animals
D. All mammals
13. The following are the proofs that whales are not fish, EXCEPT..........
A. It has a single nostril
B. It cannot survive on land
C. The skin is smooth and shiny
D. Its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles
14. ”................, is the largest animal to have lived on earth”.
What does the underlined word above mean?
A. Tallest
B. Fastest
C. Smallest
D. Biggest
This text is for questions 15 to 17
Once in a forest there lived a cat and a rabbit. They were very good friends. One
day when they were walking together through the forest, they found a
big.........(15) of cheese. They were very pleased, and agree to share........(16).
They decided that the rabbit should divide it equally.........(17) he could not. One
piece was a little bit bigger than the other.
15. A. loaf
B. bowl
C. piece
D. bunch
16. A. it
B. them
C. its
D. their
17. A. and
B. because
C. so
D. but
This text is for questions 18 to 20
Once upon a time there was a beautiful place called Neverland where
Peter Pan and Tinker Bell lived. Not so far from this place in the city of London
where John, Wendy, and Michael Darling lived. They really loved the story of
Peter. One day Peter Pan appeared and asked the children to fly to Neverland.
They were very excited to see the scenery and beauty of Neverland. Then they
were surprised to know the existence of a cruel pirate called Captain Hook. One
day Captain Hook captured Tinker Bell and forced her to show Peter Pan’s place.
In doing so all Peter’s friends The Darlings were captured and taken to the pirate
ship. Captain Hook frightened the children by putting them on the plank.
Suddenly Peter Pan appeared and stopped everything. In a fierce duel, he
threw Hook and all the pirates overboard. Hook was chased away by a crocodile,
and nobody cared to save him.
The Darlings were so happy and thankful to Peter Pan. They told Peter
their intention to go home. With the sprinkle of Tinker Bell’s Pixie Dust, Captain
Hooks pirate ship was sailing through the skies of Neverland, heading back to
the Darling’s home in London.
18. Where is the plank that was used by Captain Hook to frighten the children?
A. In Hook’s ship
B. In Peter’s home
C. In Neverland
D. In London
19. What is the problem faced by Peter Pan?
A. The Darlings left their home and flew to Neverland
B. Peter’s friends were captured by Captain Hook
C. The ship flew over the sky to the city of London
D. Captain Hook and Peter Pan had a fierce duel
20. We can learn from the story that................
A. Braveness is needed to be a hero
B. Good and right things will win
C. A beautiful scenery is good to see
D. Neverland is a place for children
21. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!
(1) The gamelan is sacred and believed to have supernatural power
(2) It is also forbidden to step over any in a gamelan instrument
(3) Incense and flowers are often offered to the gamelan
(4) Thus, the musicians have to take off their shoes when they play the gamelan
(5) Gamelan is the main element of Indonesian traditional music
(6) Both musicians and non musicians are humble and respectful to a gamelan
The best arrangement is.................................
A. (5)-(1)-(2)-(3)-(6)-(4)
B. (5)-(1)-(6)-(3)-(2)-(4)
C. (5)-(2)-(1)-(6)-(3)-(4)
D. (5)-(1)-(2)-(4)-(3)-(6)
The sentence above means...........in the classroom
A. don’t make any noise
B. don’t throw rubbish anywhere
C. put the books on the bookshelf
D. put the rubbish on the floor
This text is for questions 23 to 25
Breakfast is provided free of charge. We also have special discounts on food and
drinks at our restaurant for all registered guests. On top of that, there’s a fifty
percent discount for children below 12 at our restaurant, we are located close to
the apple garden and butterfly farm. You can also see the sunset and sunrise
from your room. Children would also be entitled to free horse riding lesson every
Rp380.000,00 per night
Reservation : (0341) 7689980
Email : coolheaven@yahoo.com
23. Which is free of charge in the hotel?
A. having food and drinks in the restaurant
B. having breakfast and horse riding lesson
C. entering the apple garden
D. staying for nights
24. Who is the fifty percent discount given to?
A. All registered guests
B. 14 year old children
C. 11 year old children
D. Adult people
25. ”On top of that, there’s a fifty percent discount for children below 12 at our
The under lined word means.............................
A. over
B. after
C. under
D. in the age of
This text is for questions 26 to 27
Extracurricular Activities
Every school offers the extracurricular activities for the students. The
activities are usually held after the school hours.
There are many different types of activities, such as the English club,
sports club, arts club, computer club, and school magazine club.
Students from all grades should participate in the extracurricular activities,
although, they are optional. Sometimes, the activities are meant for fun or for
learning something new.
The extracurricular activities are managed by the students themselves.
While teachers act as supervisors or coaches.
26. The word offers (1st line) has the same meaning as.......................
A. gives
B. shows
C. applies
D. replies
27. The word participate means.........................
A. prefer
B. prepare
C. take part
D. neglect
28. Which of the following sentences best explains the above signs :
A. If you break any of the articles you should pay for it
B. You don’t have to buy articles that are broken
C. In this section you will only find broken articles
D. The shop sells special broken articles
This text is for questions 29 to 31
1. Soak the shredded paper in water for about 3 hours
2. Blend the soaked paper into pulp
3. Add water and glue at the following ratio : 15 it of water : 3 it fo pulp : 1
spoonful of glue. Pour the mixture into a plastic container
4. Dip the screen into the mixture
5. Gently raise thscreen with a layer of the mixture
29. What do we do first if we want to make pulp?
A. Mix the shredded paper with 15 lt of water and 1 spoon ful of glue
B. Soak the shredded paper in water for about 3 hours
C. Pour the shredded paper into a plastic container
D. Dip the shredded paper into water
30. If we use 6 lt of pulp, and 2 spoon ful of glue, how much water do we need to
make a good mixture?
A. 15 lt
B. 30 lt
C. 45 lt
D. 60 lt
31. ”Soak the shredded paper in water for about 3 hours.”
The underlined word means..........................................
A. Put into water until completely wet
B. Put into liquid in a short time
C. Take out from the water quickly
D. Raise from the water gently
This text is for questions 32 to 34
The students usually go to library during the break. There are a lot books,
magazines, news papers, novels, fables, and short stories.
The students should have a member card to borrow books. They can
borrow two books at the same time for three days. If they return the books late ,
they will be fined Rp 100,00 for each book. There is a notice in the library
starting ”keep silence” . It means they must not make a noise in the library. Much
noise will disturb other students who are reading.
When students want to borrow books from the school library, they may go
to the bookshelves to choose the books. They can find them easily because they
are arranged well. The librarian will also help the students find the books.
32. How long can a student borrow a book?
A. Two days
B. Three days
C. Four days
D. A week
33. Yudis borrowed two books. He returned them after a week.
How much will he be fined?
A. One hundred
B. Two hundred
C. Four hundred
D. Seven hundred
34.”.....................because they are arranged well.” (Paragraph 3)
What does the word ”they” refer to?
A. The students
B. The librarians
C. The books
D. The bookshelves
This text is for questions 35 to 37
San Fransisco is my favorite city in the United States. It is beautiful, clean,
not too big, and it has something for everybody. I love the streets and buildings in
San Fransisco. The streets wind up and down the hills, with beautiful old brick
and wooden houses on either side.
On of my favorite things to do in San Farnsisco is to ride the cable car. It
takes you to most parts of the city. It’s not a very comfortable ride, but it’s exciting
and the views you get from the car are wonderful.
I like the weather in San Fransisco. It never gets too cold or too hot. The
summers are pleasant. The fresh breezes blow of the ocean and the sky is
always blue. It rains quite a lot in the winter, but it never gets very cold.
Another thing I enjoy about the city is the restaurants. The seafood
restaurant with crabs and lobster are my favorites. You can also get great
Chinese, Japanese, American , and European food in San Fransisco.
35. The text is about San Fransisco which....................
A. is a tourist destination
B. has a bad weather
C. is the writer’s favourite city in USA
D. has a comfortable transportation
36. From the text above we know that the streets in San Fransisco are
A. straight
B. narrow
C. wide
D. long
37. ”But it’s exciting and the views you get from the car are wonderful.”
The synonym of the underlined word is ..................................
A. facilities
C. focus
This text is for questions 38 to 39
Thousand of tourist go to Bali each year. They like to go on trips for the
fun of seeing strange (38) things, because Bali is one of the places where they
expect to see them.
Many villages have gamelan and dance teams for their religions and other
ceremonies. The Kecak or Monkey dance shows part of the famous (39).
Ramayana story. Some of the other dances are the Legong, The Kebyar, and the
38. A. interesting
B. unfamiliar
C. dull
D. wild
39. A. colossal
B. surprising
C. well-known
D. bold
This text is for questions 40 to 44
Indonesia consisit of different ethnic group, languages, cultures and
traditions. The 17.000 island forming the world’s largest archipelago chain is the
home to more than 200 million people descended from over 200 different ethnic
groups. There are over 350 different languages spoken. Bahasa Indonesia, the
national language, seems to be a second language and not their mother tongue.
It is spoken as the first language only in the provinces of West Sumatra and the
Riau Island.
Though Bahasa Indonesia is derived from Bahasa Melayu, there are some
differences in meaning and pronounciation. Recently, there is a move to make
Bahasa Indonesia (and Bahasa Melayu) accepted as one of the official
languages of the Association of South East Asian Countries. This would give
great significance to Bahasa Indonesia and make the learning of it more useful
for the use not only in Indonesia but also in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei.
40. How many ethnic groups does Indonesia have?
A. About 350
B. More than 200
C. Less than 200
D. Around 170
41. Paragraph I tells us about Indonesia as............................that consists of
different ethnic groups, languages, cultures,and traditions.
A. an archipelago
B. a mother tongue
C. a population
D. a chain
42. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the Indonesia language?
A. It is derived from the Malay language
B. It is the national language of Indonesia
C. It is the mother tongue of all Indonesia people
D. There is a move to make it as one of the official language of Asean
43. The Indonesian language becomes the second language for many ethnic
groups because.................
A. they have their own mother tongues
B. they think their languages are not good
C. they want their own languages to be a national language
D. the Indonesian language has been used by other countries
44. Which of the following underlined words has inconect spelling?
A. The little boy had along day he was feeling tyred
B. The man’s face showed that he was displeased
C. The man walked briskly to keep warm on the very cold night
D. It is impossible for parents to shield their children from every danger
45. Look at the picture!
Rp175.000,00 Rp125.000,00 Rp.85.000,00
The picture show that......................................
A. the Electric Pot is the cheapest
B. the iron is more expensive than the mixer
C. the iron is most expensive
D. the mixer is cheaper than kettle
46. Teacher : How about your test this morning, Sofian?
Sofian : I think it was too difficult.
..................I will get a good mark. I could only do a few items
A. I’m sure
B. I am certain
C. I don’t believe
D. I’m not sure
47. Naya : Hi, Ta! I bring a photo of my brother
Tata : May have a look?
Naya : Of course. Here it is
Tata : Wow. He is very good looking...................is he?
Naya : 177 cm
A. How long
B. How far
C. How tall
D. How high
48. Arrange the following words into a good sentence
disguised-day-old woman-as-the next-the queen-herself-an ugly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 5-2-6-1-3-7-4-8
B. 5-3-1-6-7-4-8-2
C. 5-2-6-1-7-4-8-3
D. 5-3-4-8-2-1-6-7
This text is for questions 49 to 50
Early people wore animal.............(49) to keep them warm, but about
10.000 years ago people learned how to make..............(50). They used a spindle
to spin wool, cotton, flax, or hemp into thread, which could be woven into fabric.
These fabrics were then made into clothes.
49. A. scale
B. skin
C. hair
D. flesh
50. A. house
B. cloth
C. cave
D. fire

moga pada soal kedua ini anda bisa berbahagia dengan soal kami ini....
Bahasa ingris SMP soal ujian nasional 2005-2009, Latihan soal dan pembahasan
1 Kumpulan Soal Ujian Nasional, Latihan Soal, Semester dan Masuk Perguruan Tinggi
http://soal-unas.blogspot.com | http://kumpulansoal.org
UAN 2004-2009
Untuk SMP / MTS
Copyright © soal-unas.blogspot.com
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Di persembahkan oleh:
Kumpulan soal Ujian Nasional, Ujian Akhir Nasional
Kumpulan soal masuk perguruan tinggi, SNMPTN, SPMB, Ujian Masuk ITB, Undip,
update terbaru informasi seputar ujian nasional
soal latihan dan prediksi berikut diambil dari berbagai sumber soal ujian nasional mulai tahun
2004 sampai dengan 2009,lalu team kami mengerjakan pembahasanya dengan cermat dan
seakurat mungkin. Silahkan konsultasikan dengan guru anda apabila menemukan jawaban
atau pembahasan yang kurang tepat pada latihan soal ujian nasional berikut
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2 Kumpulan Soal Ujian Nasional, Latihan Soal, Semester dan Masuk Perguruan Tinggi
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UN 2008/2009
Read the following text to answer question number 1
Where do you usually find the sign above?
A. At railway station.
B. At a bus station.
C. At a station wagon.
D. At a petrol station.
Read the text and answer question 2
2. Why does Joshua send the card? Because …
A. he wants to tell Ruth about his exam.
B. he wants to congratulate Ruth.
C. his exam is difficult to do.
D. he wants to be successful.
Read the text and answer questions 3 and 4
3. From the message above we know that …
A. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project.
B. Dinda’s grandma involves in the project.
C. Dinda and her grandma will meet Mira at the hospital.
D. Dinda expects Mira to stay in the hospital with her.
4. What is Dinda’s purpose to write such kind of message?
A. To tell about her sick grandma.
B. To give information about the delay of an activity.
C. To ask Mira to work on their project.
D. To persuade Mira to change the project.
Read the text and answer questions 5 and 6
5. Paul is … husband.
A. Opal’s
B. Eliza’s
C. Elsa’s
D. Natalia’s
6. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To promote an everlasting relationship.
B. To invite someone to join the party.
C. To announce a wedding ceremony.
D. To describe a certain party.
To: Ruth
I’d like to congratulate
you on passing your exam
I do hope you are always successful.
Dear Mira,
I am sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to
your house to work on our project as we have
planned before. Unexpected thing happens. My
grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you
about our plan later.
Please join us
as we celebrate our
40th Anniversary
Paul and Opal Wright
Friday, May 7th
6.30 p.m. – 10.00 p.m.
Our New Home
Komplek TSI Durikosambi Cengkareng
(Dinner will be served)
RSPV 54390186
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3 Kumpulan Soal Ujian Nasional, Latihan Soal, Semester dan Masuk Perguruan Tinggi
http://soal-unas.blogspot.com | http://kumpulansoal.org
Read the announcement and answer questions 7 to 9
7. Which of the following statements is Not Correct
according to the announcement above?
A. Classes are held twice a week.
B. Each session will last for two hours.
C. Only kindergarten students can attend the class.
D. There are six programmers for the holiday classes.
8. How many programs does the learning centre
A. One.
B. Three.
C. Six.
D. Nine.
9. “Friendly atmosphere”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Easy.
B. Helpful.
C. Pleasant.
D. Dull.
Read the text to answer questions 10 to 12
Most people in the world have a pet. I also have it. My
pet is dog, named Miko. Its color is brown. It has
brown eyes, too. I got this pet from my friend at the
beginning of 2009. He bought it from a pet shop in his
country. Once a week, my mother bathes him. He is
funny and smart. It often plays with my neighbor’s
dog. I love him very much because he can be my
friend, too.
10. Miko’s eyes are …
A. black
B. white
C. brown
D. dark brown
11. The writer got the pet from …
A. his neighbor
B. a pet shop
C. his friend
D. his mother
12. What is the text about?
A. My lovely dog.
B. My best friend.
C. My pet shop.
D. My neighbor’s pet.
Read the following text and answer
questions 13 to 15
Hexa and I camped in the mountain last weekend. It
was very beautiful and very quiet here. The air was
fresh. The location of our camp site was on the top of
hill, so we could see the scenery around us. It was
amazing. It was green everywhere. It was also easy to
get water as it was near a small river. You see the
water is as clear as crystal. We brought a lot of food
from home. There were some noodles, cans of
sardines, soft drink, and biscuits. Hexa brought
cooking utensils for cooking noodle.
0n the first day, we spent our time setting up tent
and exploring the surrounding area. I was happy to
find that there were many campers there. At night,
after we had dinner, we met other campers. We
chatted and played guitar. It was fun meeting people
who had the same hobby. It was not frightening at all
at night in the forest as it was very noisy that night.
We laughed and sang, and some campers even
danced. We went to bed almost dawn. No wonder
we got up late the following day. We hiked with other
campers until afternoon. We did not realize that it
was almost 5 in the afternoon and we had to go back
home soon. It was really nice. I planned to go there
again on the next long holiday. I would ask other
friends to join.
Holiday classis at learning centre for Nursery,
Kindergarten and Primary School children
Supervised reading programme
Creative writing
Poetry appreciation
Art in action
Speech training
Grooming and etiquette
- Qualified teachers
- Friendly atmosphere
- Two-hour class twice a week
Call 03-23860505
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4 Kumpulan Soal Ujian Nasional, Latihan Soal, Semester dan Masuk Perguruan Tinggi
http://soal-unas.blogspot.com | http://kumpulansoal.org
13. What was amazing according to the writer of the
A. The location of the campsite.
B. The fresh air of the mountain.
C. The scenery around the campsite.
D. The small river in the mountain.
14. What did the writer do on the second day of their
camping activity?
A. They chatted and played guitar.
B. They had a greet and meet activity.
C. They hiked with the other champers.
D. They laughed and sang songs together.
15. “… we spent our time setting up the tent and
exploring the surrounding area.” (paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Traveling through to learn about it.
B. Going backward and forward to watch something.
C. Observing carefully to examine something.
D. Looking for something in surrounding area.
UAN 2002/2003
15. A : Can you take my umbrella, please?
B : There are four umbrellas here. … is yours?
A : The black one, please.
a. What
b. Which
c. What sort
d. Where
Read the following text and answer
questions 16 to 20
Your body needs energy, protein, minerals,
vitamins, and fibre. In order to get all of these, it is
important to have a varied and balanced diet, and to
eat the right amount of food. Your body “burns” food
to energy : the amount of energy provided by food is
measured in units called calories.
How many calories do you need? This depends
on your weight and on what you do. When you are
asleep, your body uses nearly one calorie an hour for
every kilogram of weight. So a person who weights
seventy kilos uses about 560 calories
while sleeping for eight hours. More calories are
needed for different activities from 100 calories an
hour for reading or watching TV, to 350 calories an
hour for playing football.
To calculate the number of calories needed
per day for an everage person, first find out the
person’s ideal weight. Then multiply the weight by 40
for a woman
or 46 for a man. A 60 – kilo woman may need about
2400 calories a day – more if she does heavy physical
work and less if she is very inactive.
16. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the
a. To read something for an hour, a person needs 100
b. A person needs 350 calories per hour to play
c. Inactive persons do not need calories at all.
d. Food is burnt by the body to get energy.
17. How many calories do we need? It depends on ....
a. how old we are
b. how heavy we are
c. our weight and what we do
d. our age and our weight
18. The text mainly tells us about ....
a. energy
b. calories
c. protein
d. minerals
19. A sportman will need ... a businessman.
a. as many calories as
b. not so many calories as
c. more calories than
d. less calories than
20. “ more if she does heavy physical work and less if
she is very inactive.”
The underlined word means ....
a. very active
b. quite active
c. rather active
d. not active
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21. Officer : Could I have your name, please?
Ali Topan : It’s Topan. Ali Topan.
Officer : And ... are you, Mr. Topan?
Ali Topan : I’m 25 years.
a. how old
b. how tall
c. how big
d. how heavy
22. Ida : May I go to the concert tonight, Father?
Father : … You have to study for your final
Ida : But I really want to.
Father : You can go next time.
a. Of course, you may.
b. Why not.
c. Yes, please.
d. It’s not a good idea.
23. Where would this announcement be put up?
a. In all schools
b. In all parks
c. At the shopping complex
d. At the Glory Supermarket
24. “No age limit”
What does it mean?
a. Aged man is not allowed.
b. Those who are under age are forbidden.
c. Age will not be considered.
d. Only those who are over sixteen years of age can
take part.
25. The announcement is about ….
a. a talent show
b. family members
c. entering a contest
d. residents of Green Park
bacaan berikut untuk soal nomer 26-28
Hi my name is Dian Wahyu Dinata. I’m the winner of an
Engllish Poetry Reading Competition in Sempu. I live in
Maron. I was very happy to meet Sue and Ayu 9 early
February 2008 and I’m very comfortable speaking English
with you. I have one question for Kang Guru when can I
be invite KG to our school in SMP 1 Genteng.
Dian Wahyu Dinata
Sempu, Banyuwangi
East Java
26. Who is the winner of an English Poetry Reading
Competion in Sempu?
A. Sua and Ayu.
B. Dian Wahyu Dinata
C. Dian’s friends
D. Dian’s teacher
27. When did Dian Wahyu Dinata meet Sue and Ayu ?
A. Before an English Poetry Reading Competition.
B. When Dian invited Kang Guru.
C. Early February 2008.
D. When Sue and Ayu came early February 2008.
28. Which statement is TRUE based on the letter
A. Sue and Ayu have one question for Kang Guru.
B. Sue and Ayu live in Maron.
Do it with 2, 3 or 4 others (Relatives can join)
No age limit.
Pick up a form from this Glory Supermarket counter.
. Complete the form.
. Drop the completed form in the box labelled “TALENT
SEARCH” at Glory Supermarket.
. Box will be removed a fort night after the date given
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C. Dian Wahyu Dinata is not the winner of an
English Poetry Reading Competition.
D. The writer of the letter is Dian Wahyu Dinata.
Café & Resto
New Romantic Garden Restaurant. The restaurant is
located just outside the crowded centre, surrounded
by Sawahs, right behind Hyatt Hotel. We offer
traditional Indonesian food for reasonable prices in a
romantic garden environment. Look for our complete
menu at www.rumahmertua.com. For reservation
please call phone/fax: 0274-866680.
Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant provides authentic
Thailand cuisine. Open daily for lunch and dine.
Delivery service 0274-561486 or just visit us at Jl.
Gejayan CT X/22 Jogja. Steamboat Restaurant. The
only Seafood Steamboat resto in Jogja. We also serve
Chinese food. Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul. Ph.
0274-7484947 or 0806682407.
29. According to the text, where can we find
inexpensive traditional food?
A. New Romantic Garden Restaurant.
B. Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant.
C. Steamboat Restaurant.
D. Hyatt Hotel.
30. Which of the following statements is incorrect
based on the advertisement?
A. New Romantic Garden Restaurant provides a
romantic atmosphere.
B. New Romantic Garden Restaurant is in the
centre of town.
C. Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant can deliver
customers order.
D. We can eat Chinese food in Steamboat
31. “Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant provides
authentic Thailand cuisine.”
The word “cuisine” has the same meaning as …
A. beverage
B. drink
C. food
D. snack
32. Nita : “Have you met my new
classmate, Idham?”
Aminah : “Yes, I have. He ………. Speak
Japanese well.”
Nita : “Really?”
Aminah : “Yes, He and his family have
been in Okinawa for about 3 years.”
a. Able
b. Ability
c. Can
d. Could
33. Beautiful – orchid – is – most – the – flower –
1 2 3 4 5 6
one – earth – on – of.
7 8 9 10
The correct arrangement is ……..
a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 9 – 8
b. 7 – 10 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 9 – 8 – 3 – 2 – 1
c. 1 – 2 – 9 – 8 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 10
d. 2 – 3 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 9 – 8
34. Reporter : “Excuse me !”
“What is your opinion about flood
in many parts of our country
Expert : “………… we have to stop illegal
cutting of trees in the forest, and
punish whoever break the law.”
a. Sure
b. In my point of view
c. Are you kidding
d. I can agree for more
35. Choose the right order of the following
1. It takes place within three or more days.
2. The more important the person who dies, the
more bufalloes they kill.
3. It is carried out in honour, of the dead person.
4. One of the Torajan traditions is the funeral.
5. It is done by slaughtering a water buffalo.
A. 2,5,4,3,1
B. 2,3,5,4,1
C. 4,3,1,5,2
D. 4,3,5,2,1
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No Litter
36. Tourist : “…………from here, please?”
Receptionist : “It’s quite simple. You can go by
taxi. Take it in front of the post
a. Can I get to the museum ?
b. How can I go to the museum ?
c. Bring me tow the museum !
d. Would you go to the museum ?
The notice means ……
a. throw your rubbish here
b. Bring your own rubbish
c. Don’t throw rubbish here.
d. Don’t pick up the rubbish
Last night my mother and I spent time together
in the kitchen. She taught me how to cook spaghetti.
She prepared a box of spaghetti, water and a jar of
spaghetti sauce. First she boiled some water in a
pot. Then she put the spaghetti into the boiling
water. After fifteen minutes she turned of the stove
and threw away the water. Finally she put the
spaghetti on a plate and added spaghetti sauce on it.
It plate of delicious spaghetti was ready to serve
38. What does the topic of the text for !
a. to inform how to serve spaghetti.
b. To explain how to make spaghetti.
c. To tell how to cook spaghetti
d. to discuss how to make spaghetti sauce
39. What does the word “it” in the last step refer
a. Spaghetti c. The stove
b. The plate d. Water
40 . Mrs. Rita : “I don’t see your
prescription here, heny?”
Heny : “I …………it, Mom.”
Mrs. Rita : “That’s good.”
a. am going to take c. are taking
b. have taken d. d. take
A : “Does ……….home? Hello?”
B : “Oh, sorry. I didn’t hear your coming.
Please come in.”
a. Some body c. Some one
b. Any body d. Every body

ini soal kedua kami yang bisa membantu anda.........................................................................../////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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UAN 2004-2009
Untuk SMP / MTS
Copyright © soal-unas.blogspot.com
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Kumpulan soal masuk perguruan tinggi, SNMPTN, SPMB, Ujian Masuk ITB, Undip,
update terbaru informasi seputar ujian nasional
soal latihan dan prediksi berikut diambil dari berbagai sumber soal ujian nasional mulai tahun
2004 sampai dengan 2009,lalu team kami mengerjakan pembahasanya dengan cermat dan
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atau pembahasan yang kurang tepat pada latihan soal ujian nasional berikut
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UN 2008/2009
Read the following text to answer question number 1
Where do you usually find the sign above?
A. At railway station.
B. At a bus station.
C. At a station wagon.
D. At a petrol station.
Read the text and answer question 2
2. Why does Joshua send the card? Because …
A. he wants to tell Ruth about his exam.
B. he wants to congratulate Ruth.
C. his exam is difficult to do.
D. he wants to be successful.
Read the text and answer questions 3 and 4
3. From the message above we know that …
A. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project.
B. Dinda’s grandma involves in the project.
C. Dinda and her grandma will meet Mira at the hospital.
D. Dinda expects Mira to stay in the hospital with her.
4. What is Dinda’s purpose to write such kind of message?
A. To tell about her sick grandma.
B. To give information about the delay of an activity.
C. To ask Mira to work on their project.
D. To persuade Mira to change the project.
Read the text and answer questions 5 and 6
5. Paul is … husband.
A. Opal’s
B. Eliza’s
C. Elsa’s
D. Natalia’s
6. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To promote an everlasting relationship.
B. To invite someone to join the party.
C. To announce a wedding ceremony.
D. To describe a certain party.
To: Ruth
I’d like to congratulate
you on passing your exam
I do hope you are always successful.
Dear Mira,
I am sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to
your house to work on our project as we have
planned before. Unexpected thing happens. My
grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you
about our plan later.
Please join us
as we celebrate our
40th Anniversary
Paul and Opal Wright
Friday, May 7th
6.30 p.m. – 10.00 p.m.
Our New Home
Komplek TSI Durikosambi Cengkareng
(Dinner will be served)
RSPV 54390186
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Read the announcement and answer questions 7 to 9
7. Which of the following statements is Not Correct
according to the announcement above?
A. Classes are held twice a week.
B. Each session will last for two hours.
C. Only kindergarten students can attend the class.
D. There are six programmers for the holiday classes.
8. How many programs does the learning centre
A. One.
B. Three.
C. Six.
D. Nine.
9. “Friendly atmosphere”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Easy.
B. Helpful.
C. Pleasant.
D. Dull.
Read the text to answer questions 10 to 12
Most people in the world have a pet. I also have it. My
pet is dog, named Miko. Its color is brown. It has
brown eyes, too. I got this pet from my friend at the
beginning of 2009. He bought it from a pet shop in his
country. Once a week, my mother bathes him. He is
funny and smart. It often plays with my neighbor’s
dog. I love him very much because he can be my
friend, too.
10. Miko’s eyes are …
A. black
B. white
C. brown
D. dark brown
11. The writer got the pet from …
A. his neighbor
B. a pet shop
C. his friend
D. his mother
12. What is the text about?
A. My lovely dog.
B. My best friend.
C. My pet shop.
D. My neighbor’s pet.
Read the following text and answer
questions 13 to 15
Hexa and I camped in the mountain last weekend. It
was very beautiful and very quiet here. The air was
fresh. The location of our camp site was on the top of
hill, so we could see the scenery around us. It was
amazing. It was green everywhere. It was also easy to
get water as it was near a small river. You see the
water is as clear as crystal. We brought a lot of food
from home. There were some noodles, cans of
sardines, soft drink, and biscuits. Hexa brought
cooking utensils for cooking noodle.
0n the first day, we spent our time setting up tent
and exploring the surrounding area. I was happy to
find that there were many campers there. At night,
after we had dinner, we met other campers. We
chatted and played guitar. It was fun meeting people
who had the same hobby. It was not frightening at all
at night in the forest as it was very noisy that night.
We laughed and sang, and some campers even
danced. We went to bed almost dawn. No wonder
we got up late the following day. We hiked with other
campers until afternoon. We did not realize that it
was almost 5 in the afternoon and we had to go back
home soon. It was really nice. I planned to go there
again on the next long holiday. I would ask other
friends to join.
Holiday classis at learning centre for Nursery,
Kindergarten and Primary School children
Supervised reading programme
Creative writing
Poetry appreciation
Art in action
Speech training
Grooming and etiquette
- Qualified teachers
- Friendly atmosphere
- Two-hour class twice a week
Call 03-23860505
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13. What was amazing according to the writer of the
A. The location of the campsite.
B. The fresh air of the mountain.
C. The scenery around the campsite.
D. The small river in the mountain.
14. What did the writer do on the second day of their
camping activity?
A. They chatted and played guitar.
B. They had a greet and meet activity.
C. They hiked with the other champers.
D. They laughed and sang songs together.
15. “… we spent our time setting up the tent and
exploring the surrounding area.” (paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Traveling through to learn about it.
B. Going backward and forward to watch something.
C. Observing carefully to examine something.
D. Looking for something in surrounding area.
UAN 2002/2003
15. A : Can you take my umbrella, please?
B : There are four umbrellas here. … is yours?
A : The black one, please.
a. What
b. Which
c. What sort
d. Where
Read the following text and answer
questions 16 to 20
Your body needs energy, protein, minerals,
vitamins, and fibre. In order to get all of these, it is
important to have a varied and balanced diet, and to
eat the right amount of food. Your body “burns” food
to energy : the amount of energy provided by food is
measured in units called calories.
How many calories do you need? This depends
on your weight and on what you do. When you are
asleep, your body uses nearly one calorie an hour for
every kilogram of weight. So a person who weights
seventy kilos uses about 560 calories
while sleeping for eight hours. More calories are
needed for different activities from 100 calories an
hour for reading or watching TV, to 350 calories an
hour for playing football.
To calculate the number of calories needed
per day for an everage person, first find out the
person’s ideal weight. Then multiply the weight by 40
for a woman
or 46 for a man. A 60 – kilo woman may need about
2400 calories a day – more if she does heavy physical
work and less if she is very inactive.
16. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the
a. To read something for an hour, a person needs 100
b. A person needs 350 calories per hour to play
c. Inactive persons do not need calories at all.
d. Food is burnt by the body to get energy.
17. How many calories do we need? It depends on ....
a. how old we are
b. how heavy we are
c. our weight and what we do
d. our age and our weight
18. The text mainly tells us about ....
a. energy
b. calories
c. protein
d. minerals
19. A sportman will need ... a businessman.
a. as many calories as
b. not so many calories as
c. more calories than
d. less calories than
20. “ more if she does heavy physical work and less if
she is very inactive.”
The underlined word means ....
a. very active
b. quite active
c. rather active
d. not active
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21. Officer : Could I have your name, please?
Ali Topan : It’s Topan. Ali Topan.
Officer : And ... are you, Mr. Topan?
Ali Topan : I’m 25 years.
a. how old
b. how tall
c. how big
d. how heavy
22. Ida : May I go to the concert tonight, Father?
Father : … You have to study for your final
Ida : But I really want to.
Father : You can go next time.
a. Of course, you may.
b. Why not.
c. Yes, please.
d. It’s not a good idea.
23. Where would this announcement be put up?
a. In all schools
b. In all parks
c. At the shopping complex
d. At the Glory Supermarket
24. “No age limit”
What does it mean?
a. Aged man is not allowed.
b. Those who are under age are forbidden.
c. Age will not be considered.
d. Only those who are over sixteen years of age can
take part.
25. The announcement is about ….
a. a talent show
b. family members
c. entering a contest
d. residents of Green Park
bacaan berikut untuk soal nomer 26-28
Hi my name is Dian Wahyu Dinata. I’m the winner of an
Engllish Poetry Reading Competition in Sempu. I live in
Maron. I was very happy to meet Sue and Ayu 9 early
February 2008 and I’m very comfortable speaking English
with you. I have one question for Kang Guru when can I
be invite KG to our school in SMP 1 Genteng.
Dian Wahyu Dinata
Sempu, Banyuwangi
East Java
26. Who is the winner of an English Poetry Reading
Competion in Sempu?
A. Sua and Ayu.
B. Dian Wahyu Dinata
C. Dian’s friends
D. Dian’s teacher
27. When did Dian Wahyu Dinata meet Sue and Ayu ?
A. Before an English Poetry Reading Competition.
B. When Dian invited Kang Guru.
C. Early February 2008.
D. When Sue and Ayu came early February 2008.
28. Which statement is TRUE based on the letter
A. Sue and Ayu have one question for Kang Guru.
B. Sue and Ayu live in Maron.
Do it with 2, 3 or 4 others (Relatives can join)
No age limit.
Pick up a form from this Glory Supermarket counter.
. Complete the form.
. Drop the completed form in the box labelled “TALENT
SEARCH” at Glory Supermarket.
. Box will be removed a fort night after the date given
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C. Dian Wahyu Dinata is not the winner of an
English Poetry Reading Competition.
D. The writer of the letter is Dian Wahyu Dinata.
Café & Resto
New Romantic Garden Restaurant. The restaurant is
located just outside the crowded centre, surrounded
by Sawahs, right behind Hyatt Hotel. We offer
traditional Indonesian food for reasonable prices in a
romantic garden environment. Look for our complete
menu at www.rumahmertua.com. For reservation
please call phone/fax: 0274-866680.
Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant provides authentic
Thailand cuisine. Open daily for lunch and dine.
Delivery service 0274-561486 or just visit us at Jl.
Gejayan CT X/22 Jogja. Steamboat Restaurant. The
only Seafood Steamboat resto in Jogja. We also serve
Chinese food. Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul. Ph.
0274-7484947 or 0806682407.
29. According to the text, where can we find
inexpensive traditional food?
A. New Romantic Garden Restaurant.
B. Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant.
C. Steamboat Restaurant.
D. Hyatt Hotel.
30. Which of the following statements is incorrect
based on the advertisement?
A. New Romantic Garden Restaurant provides a
romantic atmosphere.
B. New Romantic Garden Restaurant is in the
centre of town.
C. Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant can deliver
customers order.
D. We can eat Chinese food in Steamboat
31. “Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant provides
authentic Thailand cuisine.”
The word “cuisine” has the same meaning as …
A. beverage
B. drink
C. food
D. snack
32. Nita : “Have you met my new
classmate, Idham?”
Aminah : “Yes, I have. He ………. Speak
Japanese well.”
Nita : “Really?”
Aminah : “Yes, He and his family have
been in Okinawa for about 3 years.”
a. Able
b. Ability
c. Can
d. Could
33. Beautiful – orchid – is – most – the – flower –
1 2 3 4 5 6
one – earth – on – of.
7 8 9 10
The correct arrangement is ……..
a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 9 – 8
b. 7 – 10 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 9 – 8 – 3 – 2 – 1
c. 1 – 2 – 9 – 8 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 10
d. 2 – 3 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 9 – 8
34. Reporter : “Excuse me !”
“What is your opinion about flood
in many parts of our country
Expert : “………… we have to stop illegal
cutting of trees in the forest, and
punish whoever break the law.”
a. Sure
b. In my point of view
c. Are you kidding
d. I can agree for more
35. Choose the right order of the following
1. It takes place within three or more days.
2. The more important the person who dies, the
more bufalloes they kill.
3. It is carried out in honour, of the dead person.
4. One of the Torajan traditions is the funeral.
5. It is done by slaughtering a water buffalo.
A. 2,5,4,3,1
B. 2,3,5,4,1
C. 4,3,1,5,2
D. 4,3,5,2,1
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http://soal-unas.blogspot.com | http://kumpulansoal.org
No Litter
36. Tourist : “…………from here, please?”
Receptionist : “It’s quite simple. You can go by
taxi. Take it in front of the post
a. Can I get to the museum ?
b. How can I go to the museum ?
c. Bring me tow the museum !
d. Would you go to the museum ?
The notice means ……
a. throw your rubbish here
b. Bring your own rubbish
c. Don’t throw rubbish here.
d. Don’t pick up the rubbish
Last night my mother and I spent time together
in the kitchen. She taught me how to cook spaghetti.
She prepared a box of spaghetti, water and a jar of
spaghetti sauce. First she boiled some water in a
pot. Then she put the spaghetti into the boiling
water. After fifteen minutes she turned of the stove
and threw away the water. Finally she put the
spaghetti on a plate and added spaghetti sauce on it.
It plate of delicious spaghetti was ready to serve
38. What does the topic of the text for !
a. to inform how to serve spaghetti.
b. To explain how to make spaghetti.
c. To tell how to cook spaghetti
d. to discuss how to make spaghetti sauce
39. What does the word “it” in the last step refer
a. Spaghetti c. The stove
b. The plate d. Water
40 . Mrs. Rita : “I don’t see your
prescription here, heny?”
Heny : “I …………it, Mom.”
Mrs. Rita : “That’s good.”
a. am going to take c. are taking
b. have taken d. d. take
A : “Does ……….home? Hello?”
B : “Oh, sorry. I didn’t hear your coming.
Please come in.”
a. Some body c. Some one
b. Any body d. Every body