Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

Wednesday, January  9,2007

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - Teks + Audio MP3

Artikel percakapan Bahasa Inggris ini bisa membantu kita dalam kemampuan speaking dan listening. Sedang file Audi MP3 nya bisa dilihat di akhir dialog atau di akhir posting ini. Untuk menjalankan player percakapan Bahasa Inggris ini, silahkan tekan tombol play di bawah ini:

Untuk itu mari kita lihat teks dialog percakapan Bahasa Inggris berjudul Sponger berikut:

Neil: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak, I'm Neil.
Li: And I'm Li. Neil, is that a new watch?
Neil: Yes I got it from my parents.
Li: Oh that's nice.
Neil: Did I tell you I'm going on holiday soon?
Li: No, where?
Neil: To Hawaii.
Li: Wow, how can you afford a holiday to Hawaii?
Neil: My in-laws paid for it. We told them it was too expensive but, you know, we just need a holiday.
Li: Hmm… so your in-laws have paid for your holiday too…
Neil: I'm thinking of giving up work actually, Li.
Li: Giving up work? What about the cost of living?
Neil: Oh my wife can work. You know what, Li? I really need to move into a bigger house in a nicer part of London.
Li: But you just said you're going to give up work! How can you afford a new house if you have no job?
Neil: My grandparents will give me some money. They always do.
Li: Neil, there's a word for people like you. You're a sponger!
Neil: A sponger!? How rude!

A: When I was at university I had no money at all. I had to buy second-hand clothes and I could never afford to go out for a meal even though I had a part-time job.
B: Yeah me too, but there were all these other students with cars and designer labels eating in expensive restaurants all paid for by Daddy.
A: What a bunch of spongers.
B: Yeah.

Li: A sponger is a person who gets money, food and other things from other people without paying. Often it's used very negatively to describe people who live off state benefits.
Neil: Just like a sponge.
Li: Yes, a sponge.
Neil: A sponge soaks up the water all around it. A sponger soaks up gifts, food and money without working. And it can also be used as a verb – to sponge off someone.
Li: It's also a verb 'to sponge off someone.' Be careful to use the word 'off' with this verb.
Neil: Whether it's a verb or a noun, it's still not a nice thing to say about someone, Li.
Li: Well I'm sorry to be rude, but it's true – you are a sponger.
Neil: You're right. I'm a sponger but I'm proud of it. Do you fancy taking me out for dinner? There's a fantastic restaurant I've been meaning to go to. It's very expensive, but you can afford it Li.
Li: He's trying to sponge a meal off me! What a sponger…

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Friday, March 2, 2007

Koleksi Dialog Bahasa Inggris

Duh dialog bahasa Inggris.. jadi inget dulu pernah ngasih kado pernikahan temen seperangkat compact disc berisi kumpulan audio + teks dialog bahasa Inggris + ebook materi bahasa Inggris karangan orang bule. Hmm.. 'ga spesial banget kado pernikahan ko' gitu ya.. :) Ya ga pa-pa, yang nikah kan guru bahasa Inggris... mungkin saja bermanfaat.. :)

Membuat dialog bahasa Inggris sebenarnya tidak susah-susah amat. Yang terpenting kita memiliki kemampuan kosakata yang baik, pasti sangat mudah membuatnya. Namun jika sobat perlu inspirasi sehingga butuh contoh dialog berbahasa Inggris, silahkan pilih saja tema percakapan bahasa Inggris di bawah ini ya...

  1. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - di Dapur
  2. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - di Ruang Dokter
  3. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - di Toko Baju
  4. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - Teks + Audio
  5. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - di Kantor Pos
  6. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - di Pasar
  7. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - di Perpustakaan
  8. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - di Stasiun Kereta Api


Percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang Hobby

Arya      : Hi Erna, why do you collect many stamps?
Erna      : Ohh…. Hi Arya. I am collecting the stamps for my collection.
Arya      : What do you mean?
Erna      : Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.
Arya      : Why do you like collecting stamps?
Erna      : Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps. How about you, what is your hobby?

Arya      : Hmm… I think I don’t have hobby. Should we have a hobby?
Erna      : Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most which is called hobby.

Arya      : So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.
Erna      : Of course, so what is your hobby?
Arya      : I like to read comics especially detective Conan.
Erna    : That is your hobby. Reading comic. Do you have all of detective Conan’s collection?

Arya      : Yes, I do. I even go to the black market because the original comics have not yet been published. How about your stamps collection?

Erna      : So far I have collected stamps from some countries but I still should find other stamps.

Arya      : Do you need much money for your hobby?
Erna      : Yes of course I need much money because I order the stamps so it costs little bit expensive.

Arya      : Wow…. Your hobby is expensive.
Erna      : Yeah but I like to do it.
Arya      : Okay good luck with your hobby.
Erna      : Thank you.

dialog bahasa inggris, percakapan bahasa inggris
ilustrasi manusia berdialog
Silahkan buka kamus bahasa Inggris untuk mengetahui makna percakapan di atas.. :) sekali-kali rajin bukan kamus. Jangan lupa, kamus bisa bikin kita pintar lho... 

Buat yang udah pinter, ajarin dong :)

Nah itu dia koleksi dialog bahasa Inggris yang sudah diterbitkan di blog ini. Jika sobat ada yang membutuhkan contoh dialog lainnya, silahkan komentar di bawah ya.. nanti bisa dicarikan [kalo sempet] :)

Monday, November 7, 2007

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - di Kantor Pos

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dengan judul At the Post Office ini menceritakan tentang orang yang ingin mengirimkan sebuah parsel. Beberapa vocabulary dalam dialog bahasa Inggris ini sangat mudah untuk dipahamai sehingga tidak perlu ada penambahan keterangan mengenai makna-makna kata dalam conversation / percakapan pada teks di bawah yang belum jelas. Mari kita lihat, beberpa model dan contoh percakapan bahasa inggris yang dilakukan di Kantor pos berikut ini:

MICHAEL: Excuse me.


MICHAEL : I want to send this parcel, please.

COUNTER CLERK : Do you want to send it by letter .post or parcel post? It'd be three rupees fifty paise1 by letter post, and two rupees twenty-five paise by parcel post.

MICHAEL : You'd better send it by letter post. It might be quicker.

COUNTER CLERK : All right. Anything else I can do for you?2

MICHAEL : Yes. Could you weigh this letter, please?

COUNTER CLERK : It's just over twenty grams. It'll cost you one rupee forty paise. Here're the stamps for the parcel and the letter. Will you affix them, please?

MICHAEL : I also want twenty inland letter sheets and ten stamped envelopes.

COUNTER CLERK : By all means. But wait a minute, please. Let me first give you the receipt for the parcel. Here's the receipt. And here's the postal stationery.

MICHAEL : Thank you very much. Can I leave the parcel there on the desk in front of you?

COUNTER CLERK : Yes. But put the letter in the box over there.
MICHAEL : Oh, yes. Thank you very much.


Terima Kasih telah membaca Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - di Kantor Pos, semoga bermanfaat


Monday, November 7, 2007

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - Membeli Baju

Conversation about Buying a Shirt?? Apakah teman-teman pernah ditugaskan guru untuk mempraktikkan dialog Bahasa Inggris dengan tema membeli baju? Atau teman-teman pernah membeli baju di toko punyanya orang bule? Nah, jika belum atau pun sudah, kita lihat contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris dengan tema Buying A Shirt di bawah ini.

SHOP ASSISTANT : Good afternoon, madam. What can I do for you?
CUSTOMER : Good afternoon, I'd like to look at some shirts.
SHOP ASSISTANT : Cottons or synthetics, madam?

CUSTOMER : Terycots, if you have some.
SHOP ASSISTANT : Sure, madam. Over here, if you don't mind. We have an excellent range of shirts in terycot. These striped ones are new arrivals.

CUSTOMER : I rather fancy those blue ones with red stripes.
SHOP ASSISTANT :' Well, they're men's shirts. But nowadays . . .
CUSTOMER : Could you take them out, please?
SHOP ASSISTANT : What's the collar-size, madam?
CUSTOMER : Fifteen.
SHOP ASSISTANT : Fifteen? Are you sure, madam?
CUSTOMER : Yes. I'm sure.
SHOP ASSISTANT : Here you are, madam.
CUSTOMER : How much is it?
SHOP ASSISTANT : That's two hundred and nineteen rupees ninety-five paise. Plus taxes. Would you like to try it on?
CUSTOMER : Try it on? No. Could you gift-wrap it? You see, it's a gift to my husband on his birthday!
SHOP ASSISTANT : I see! (Later) Here it is! I've stuck on it a little card saying 'Happy Birthday!'
CUSTOMER : That's very kind of you, young man. Bye!
SHOP ASSISTANT : Good-bye, madam. Call again.


Monday, November 7, 2007

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - At the Doctor's

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dengan judul At the Doctor's ini menceritakan tentang pasien dokter yang minta diperiksa keadaan kesehatannya pada ruang dokter. Lalu apa yang harus kita ucapkan ketika memeriksakan keadaan kita kepada dokter? Nah ini dia, beberapa model contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris yang bisa membantu kita ketika memeriksakan kesehatan kita kepada seorang dokter. Ya kali aja, kita nanti ketemu dokter bulue lalu kita bisa ber-conversation dengan si dokter bule itu..xixixi..

PATIENT : Good evening, doctor.
DOCTOR : Good evening, sir. What's your trouble?
PATIENT : I haven't been feeling well lately.
DOCTOR : What exactly is the problem?
PATIENT : I often feel quite sick. Have had a lot of pain in the stomach for several days. I've also had severe headaches for over two days.

DOCTOR : What's your appetite like?
PATIENT : Not at all good. I don't feel like eating anything. I feel full up all the time.
DOCTOR : Have you had any fever?
PATIENT : Well, I do feel feverish all the time. I've also had a bad taste in the mouth sincc I've been sick.

DOCTOR : All right, let me take your temperature first. There! Give me your wrist, please. There's nothing wrong with the pulse. Now take off your pullover. And your shirt too. Loosen your clothes a little. I'll examine you, if you lie down on that couch. Do you feel any pain here?

PATIENT : Yes, some.
DOCTOR : And here?
PATIENT : Oh, that's quite painful!
DOCTOR : All right. You may get dressed now.
PATIENT : I hope there's nothing serious, doctor?
DOCTOR : No, nothing serious. I'm prescribing two kinds of tablets. Take one before meals. And the other after meals for three days. Don't eat any fried or spicy food. Drink milk and have milk foods as much as you can. And do take some rest.

PATIENT : Do I need to stay away from work, doctor?
DOCTOR : No, not at all. Just take it easy and have rest whenever you can. Come and see me if the trouble does not go quickly.
PATIENT : Thank you very much, doctor. Good-bye!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Conversation - Cara Membuat Telur Dadar

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris (english conversation) cara membuat telur dadar (The Omelet) ini pasti terjadi di dapur, iya kan? Tidak lupa pula, sobat bisa mendownload file Mp3 dari percakapan cara membuat telur dadar ini secara gratis. Dengan begitu sobat bisa belajar speaking + listening dalam satu paket....

Percakapan berbahasa Inggris ini terjadi ketika si Todd melihat Keri sedang memasak. Yuk kita baca teks percakapan mereka berdua dahulu...

Todd: Oh, hey, Keri! You cook, right! You're a pretty good cook.

Keri: I'm OK.

Todd: OK. I want to make an omelet, so actually this is really silly, I've never made one before. How do you make an omelet?

Keri: OK, Well, I can teach you how I make them, which is the same way my father and grandmother make them, which is a little special.

Todd: OK. Yeah! Yeah!

Keri: First you take some eggs and crack them in a bowl, and whisk them up, quite, so they're quite high and fluffy, and in a hot pan, and you need a pan that's that's kind of small, that the sides go up at an angle. You put some oil and heat it up, so it's quite hot, and then you take your whipped up eggs, or whisked up eggs, and pour them into the pan, and as it's cooking, if you take a spatula, and push the bottom layer of the egg, to the side, to the sides, and then to the middle, so the uncooked egg gets to the bottom of the pan.

Todd: Oh, OK. Wow!

Keri: OK. And keep doing that until most of the egg is cooked so you should have a nice thick omelet and then flip it over, you'll only have to cook that side lightly. Put your fillings on the top and fold it over and let it sit just long enough to melt the cheese.

Todd: Wow. That sounds really good.

Keri: Mm, it is.

Todd: Wow. What fillings do you recommend?

Keri: Um, well, if you want to do a real simple one, you can just use some pre-made salsa and cheese, and that's easy, or you can do something like cut up some ham and cheese, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, anything that you like. If you want to make a spinach omelet then you have to add the cooked spinach to the egg mixture. So it's actually cooked in it. It's inside bacon and sour cream is nice and Jack cheese.

Todd: Oh, OK. I'll have to give that a try.

Keri: OK. Sure.

lesson 1(bahasa inggris australia sehari - hari)

by tsue cimiong

Struktur pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kami membantu Anda belajar bahasa Inggris Australia sehari-hari. Silakan unduh audio dan teks setiap pelajaran secara cuma-cuma dan gunakan catatan pelajaran untuk memperluas pengetahuan Anda.
Two girls smiling to the camera

English Bites

Pelajari beberapa ungkapan bahasa Inggris gaya Australia melalui tayangan video singkat, sekaligus mengenal beragam aktivitas menarik yang bisa dilakukan di Australia.
Learn English for Study

Bahasa Inggris untuk Studi di Australia

Bahasa Inggris untuk Studi di Australia yang terdiri dari 26 pelajaran akan membantu Anda mempersiapkan diri untuk belajar dan tinggal di Australia.
Learn English for Business

Bahasa Inggris untuk Bisnis

Bahan pelajaran ini akan memberikan beragam ungkapan dalam dunia bisnis dan dirancang untuk membantu komunikasi Anda dengan rekan atau klien dari negara-negara Barat. 
Learn English for Tourism and Hospitality

Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata

Kursus ini ditujukan bagi yang tertarik dengan dunia pariwisata. Pelajari ungkapan-ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk mempermudah perjalanan Anda atau perjalanan klien Anda.
Learn English from Australia

Bahasa Inggris dari Australia

Kursus ringkas dan praktis ini dirancang bagi Anda yang baru memulai belajar bahasa Inggris. Anda akan mempelajari beragam frasa kata dan tata bahasa bahasa Inggris melalui cerita seputar Australia.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris melalui jejaring sosial

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Selain mengikuti berbagai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sepanjang minggu, Anda juga bisa berlatih dengan mendengarkan pembicara asli melalui program acara siaran radio Bahasa Inggris yang disiarkan dari studio kami di Melbourne. Dapatkan berbagai informasi mengenai gaya hidup dan budaya di Australia, serta kesempatan menjalin hubungan dengan pendengar lain di kawasan.
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Kembangkan pengetahuan Anda mengenai Australia dengan menyaksikan program acara pendidikan dan hiburan melalui Australia Network. Saluran televisi Australia Network juga menyiarkan program yang khusus dirancang untuk membantu Anda mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tes IELTS dan mengembangkan kemampuan Anda dalam berbicara
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